VFX Practice: Explosion


I generated the smoke and noise textures using a smoke sim in Houdini. The texture is tinted red and orange with emissive in a material in order to make it appear as fire. The ground decal was done in photoshop. The rock debris from the explosion are also meshes that were generated in Houdini. The larger rocks on the ground are simply instances of a destructible mesh made out of a cylinder. The texture for the rock and everything else is from Unreal Engine’s standard assets.



WIP Character Rig

Here is a work in progress rig I’m working on with a character a friend has graciously let me borrow. Geoff’s website can be seen here: http://geoffkaiser.weebly.com/

My goal for this project is to make a cartoony character that can use cartoony animation like deformations and bring them into the Unreal Engine. I plan on experimenting with both morph targets and alembic. The control rig is also an experiment for me, using shapes instead of curves to control the rig, so that the animator can better see what they are deforming.Capture.PNG